An LA-based fund that invests in nonprofit resiliency during moments of transformation


Sustained Collaboration Fund

NSI helps nonprofits based in Los Angeles County explore and implement formal partnerships leading to greater organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Sustained collaboration agreements permanently restructure the way participating organizations do their work, ranging from jointly managed programs and back-office consolidations, to shared ventures or full-scale mergers.

Exploratory Grant

Planning Grant

Implementation Grant


Executive Transition Fund

NSI helps nonprofits based in Los Angeles County navigate the departure of a long-tenured leader through funding for transition activities such as board development and implicit bias training, executive coaching, transition planning and preparation, board consultation, organizational assessment, interim leadership, recruitment, onboarding, staff development, events, and strategic communication. The program is a cohort-based model, convening peer groups of executives and board chairs navigating transitions while building organizational resiliency.

Transition Planning Grant

Transition Implementation Grant

Nonprofit Organizations Served
Collaboration Exploratory Grants
Collaboration Implementation Grants
Executive Transition Planning Grants
Executive Transition Implementation Grants
Total dollars disbursed
$ 0 M


NSI is made possible through the support of the following funders