Strategic Restructuring Consultant

Gina Airey Consulting

Consultant Details:

Contact: Alison Wallis
Name of Firm: Gina Airey Consulting, Inc.
Language Spoken: English, Spanish
Website/LinkedIn URL:

Consultant Expertise

Cultural due diligence/integration, Facilitation of exploratory/negotiation phase, Wind-down and dissolution, Organizational assessments, Board development, Executive coaching, Transition consulting & project management, DEI

Program Areas

Arts and Culture, Community and Economic Development, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Human Services, International Relationship, Philanthropy, Public Affairs, Science, Social Sciences

Number of Individuals in Firm:


Names and Titles of Individuals in Firm:

Gina Airey
President/CEO, Senior Strategic Planning Consultant & Certified Executive Coach
Alexis Moreno
Senior Strategic Planning Consultant
Rachel Hamburg
Strategic Planning Consultant
Alison Wallis
Business & Client Relationship Manager, Certified Executive Coach
Alda Merino-Caan
Strategic Planning Consultant

Names and Titles of Individuals in Firm:

Gina Airey
President/CEO, Senior Strategic Planning Consultant & Certified Executive Coach
Alexis Moreno
Senior Strategic Planning Consultant
Rachel Hamburg
Strategic Planning Consultant

Firm or Consultant Address:

1653 7th Street, #1008, Santa Monica, California, 90401

RFQ Contact Name:

Alison Wallis

RFQ Contact Phone:


Geographic area currently served by firm (select all that apply):

Los Angeles, California, USA

How would you describe the range of diversity reflected in your firm’s consultants and leadership (or self, if sole practitioner)?

Gina Airey Consulting is a woman-owned and managed firm. Our consultants embrace a range of identities in terms of race, ethnicities, languages spoken, ages, abilities, socio-economic and educational backgrounds, professional experience, religion, geographic, and cultural origin. Our core team identify as Latine, Latina and Asian-American, Jewish, and White. As a small, nimble firm we augment our core team on a project-specific basis to ensure that we have a team that reflects our clients and community. Of our three longest-term subcontractors, all are BIPOC women who bring expertise that enhances GAC’s capabilities to: integrate racial equity into strategic planning and strategic doing; build relational, healing, anti-racist cultures during planning and implementation; guide organizational development across a range of topics and at different stages of the life cycle; and design, develop, and manage multi-sector collaboratives and collective impact initiatives. GAC is committed to pursuing our internal anti-racist values and ongoing equity journey that deepens our team culture and our collective capacity to guide clients in building anti-racist organizations.

Please describe your mission, values, and approach:

At GAC everything is directed by our vision that social change makers are resilient leaders, organizations are anti-racist, and collaboration is equitable, accountable, and effective. Reflecting our three-part vision statement, we support client organizations and collaboratives to: develop and coach change makers within organizations; build and nurture strategic, anti-racist social change organizations; and, strengthen equitable, accountable collaboration within and across sectors. Our approach and unique contribution is that: the work of social change – improving our communities, relationships, and the availability and distribution of resources – is never complete; living accountably in community means being engaged in ongoing, generative practice on the individual, interpersonal, institutional, and ideological levels to improve, grow, build, and learn; in order to reach the equitable world we are working toward, anti-racist principles must guide this work at every level; and, GAC’s work to strengthen social change actors, organizations, and ecosystems (via collaborative efforts) is complementary to other anti-racist efforts to strengthen individuals, relationships, organizations, and ecosystems. GAC is guided by our mission to facilitate social change makers toward the clarity, consensus, and collaboration needed to reach their visions. We know from decades of experience that the collaboration needed to reach visions must take many different forms. The way we facilitate social change makers and the team environment we create with clients and community align with our values of Social Justice & Racial Equity, Impact & Transformation, Co-Creation & Collaboration, Community of Care, Growth Mindset & Agency, and Abundance. Grounded in these values, we translate our primary value of social justice and racial equity into four equity principles. We embrace Race Forward’s definition of racial equity as “a process of eliminating racial disparities and improving outcomes for everyone. It is the intentional and continual practice of changing policies, practices, systems, and structures by prioritizing measurable change in the lives of people of color.” GAC applies equity as both a process and an outcome by inviting all clients into this approach: centering equity in our practice is a process that creates transformation as we go, not relying on it to emerge as a result of the plan we build together; equity is always a work in progress (none of us will be perfect at it) and it requires stretching and discomfort. In partnership with clients, we intentionally address ways in which white dominant culture and inequities have been built into clients’ systems and organizations.

What expertise or perspective do you bring to organizations looking to ground their collaboration practices in values of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Organizations looking to ground their collaboration practices in values of diversity, equity, and inclusion would be our ideal clients! At GAC we are committed to continually stretching and growing as an anti-racist organization. Our overall approach and methodology is called “Equity-Centered Strategic Planning & Strategic Doing”. All our consulting, advising, and coaching centers justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging not only for collaboration practices but for all practices including how planning happens. Our value of social justice and racial equity has guided the refinement of our planning methods to integrate equity from the inside out. By integrating equity and restorative justice practices into strategic planning, we are intentionally liberating the empowering experience of authoring our collaborative futures from the militaristic and corporate roots of planning – which reflect white supremacy culture, defer to hierarchy, reinforce mindsets that often echo the very systems we are trying to transform, allow urgency to steal the opportunity for meaningful engagement, and elevate the written word of a plan above the experience of co-creation and strategic doing. We encourage our clients to learn about our values and equity principles and we ask permission to provide “loving agitation” as part of our strategic facilitation by holding up the mirror for deeper reflection, especially around equity, and modeling truth-telling and grounded choice-making. The framing of our strategic plans always includes strategic priorities that focus on the internal capabilities needed to deliver programs and catalyze impact. Often these priorities explicitly include the development of an anti-racist culture and measuring progress toward this goal. Our preferred tool for a race equity assessment is Building Blocks for Change (BB4C) from the Building Movement Project that “assesses staff experiences through the lens of four key Capacities – Learning, Leadership, Conversation, and Voice… The assessment process aims to deepen nonprofit organizations’ understanding of the changes necessary to become more inclusive and racially equitable” ( To reinforce the importance of collaboration practices for all organizations, the theories of change we develop always includes a summary of outcomes related to the organization’s vision that are complementary but driven, or co-driven by collaborators/partners. When our clients focus on justice and sustained transformation of systems during planning – instead of centering a single organization – they see that their vision needs and deserves the investment and commitment of so many beyond their walls. This part of the theory of change answers the essential strategic questions: what will we do, what will we not do, and what will we do in partnership? The strategic plans we develop also commonly include strategic priorities for authentic community engagement and intentional partnerships. Within planning processes, we help clients to explore a spectrum of community engagement and center voices of the community. Our team members bring depth in asset-based community development and participatory action research, and they have experience designing processes that are trauma-informed, multilingual, culturally aware, and humble.

Please describe your ideal engagement. Feel free to include issue area and scope of project:

Our ideal engagement is one in which we clients receive the profound value they seek from consulting partners. We offer a range of capabilities as strategic facilitators to guide clients deeply over time – from exploration to planning to implementation – to reveal their own strategic answers in an intentionally phased engagement. Our approach is unique in that it is focused on developing both clients and plans that are implementation ready! We achieve this through three critical elements: the who, the how, and the what of planning. Our process is participatory, meaning those who will be critical to implementation will have some role in planning creating a system-wide perspective and shared power. We lay a strong foundation for planning by facilitating clients to define project success (tangible and intangible outcomes); anticipate risks from capacity to conflicts; create mitigation strategies including generative conflict skills; and articulate a big question – usually the first point of consensus – that will strategically focus efforts and guide planning. We develop a strategic scorecard that includes a small set of metrics and process milestones that translates the whole plan into a concrete tool that keeps accountability and adaptability alive throughout implementation. GAC is inspired by a range of issue areas, and we have seen that our systems-focused approach and comprehensive methodology work across issues. We welcome an ever-expanding array of clients and engagements!

How many strategic restructuring projects have you or your firm been involved with?

GAC has made unique contributions to two formal restructuring projects, one during exploration and another during both due diligence and integration. In addition, we have designed and guided the creation and development of two start-up collaborative efforts in Southern California.

Please describe your fee structure:

We develop customized fixed-price engagements based on the desired level of support, activities, and deliverables. We have also contracted for hourly fee structures up to a maximum fee as well as retainer agreements.

What percentage of your clients are within the nonprofit sector?


Are you open to remote engagements?


Briefly describe 1-3 examples of restructuring projects with which you have been involved. Please name all participating organizations. (Please prioritize NSI-funded and/or LA-based organizations).

Due Diligence, Integration Planning, Integration Support: Having previously facilitated strategic planning for (formerly Southern California Presbyterian Homes, a provider of senior communities), we were engaged to inform the last stages of due diligence for the affiliation (merger) with ABHOW (American Baptist Homes of the West, an even larger provider in Northern California). Jointly, their assets included dozens of communities valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. Our engagement included the design and facilitation of strategic planning for the newly identified representative board and executive team. Major strategic decisions were made during the process, such as the exit from two financially challenged lines of business. We also provided executive coaching to the new CEO and supported the design and rollout of various operational aspects of the affiliation, including the facilitation of dozens of process leaders. Due Diligence: For the University of Southern California’s (USC) Office of the Provost, we designed and facilitated dozens of faculty and administrators to investigate the possible trans-disciplinary benefits in the areas of education, clinical experiences, and research if two standalone divisions (USC’s nationally top-ranked Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy independent health professions programs) merged into USC’s School of Dentistry. The case was successfully made and approved for the restructuring. Designing Two Strategic Alliances: For four years we guided the city and community of Riverside, CA, in “Seizing Our Destiny”, an initiative that received international rewards and was documented in a social marketing textbook. First, we helped them to articulate a shared vision and then facilitated them to organize creative collaborative efforts that were cross-sectoral and cross-organizational and self-govern while also being responsive to the City Council. In Los Angeles County, in 2015 we were awarded a competitive bid to lead strategic planning for the home visiting (parent coaching) field that resulted in over most of the last eight years we have been underwritten by First 5 LA and the Partnership for Early Childhood Investment (along with endorsement form LA County Department of Public Health (Maternal and Adolescent Health) and Los Angeles Best Babies Network (Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center)) to continue to support the engagement and self-governance of 60+ member organizations who are service providers, funders, and advocacy organizations. See case study here:

Add any other information you feel would aid in understanding the value you or your consulting firm can bring to a strategic restructuring exploration or implementation process:

GAC works with clients across a broad range of topics and across programs/services, advocacy, and collaboratives. We have long-term experience with clients in several niche areas and multi-disciplinary fields, such as: early childhood education and development; home visiting; child health equity; educational equity; school-based health services and centers (medical, mental, dental); Black birth outcomes (birth justice); family strengthening and foster care; public education policies, curricula, and collaboration across entities (including Local Control and Accountability Plans, dual language learning, transitional kindergarten, environmental literacy, career education and pathways K-16); public, private, and corporate philanthropy; (severe) mental illness; and communities for seniors. We are equity-focused strategic facilitators who see points of strategic exploration as rare opportunities for individual social change-makers and organizations to experience deep learning and development that increases their capacity to sustain themselves and catalyze change over the long term. In addition to our Equity-Centered Strategic Planning & Strategic Doing expertise and methodology we also bring passion and expertise in: executive coaching; and partner summits; cohort learning experiences; and capability mapping and organizational redesign.